A True Tale of How Content Strategy Made Day-Changing Magic

Content connects us to our desires. Pic: Matt Nelson
If This Search was Fruitless, They Would All become Very, Very ‘Hangry’
On a long-ago holiday Monday road trip, a family confined in a car, was tetchy. Their emotions were being driven by the gnawing in their bellies. Deep in the countryside, they had a long way to go. It was lunchtime already.
Then they saw a sign. LUNCH BEING SERVED in faded paint overlaying a shadowy image of mountains, and a glass of wine. Was the sign really there? They talked about doubling back.
Arriving at the next town, the only town on a hundred mile drive, they saw another sign. Erm! It meant venturing off the B road and through the town and down a side road. Maybe it was too far. Maybe it was closed, or lunch was finished. The town looked like it might the best bet for a feed but even the burger joint was closed. There was no one to ask unless they knocked on the door of a home, lived in by hell knows whom. What about a cell phone? Well, they would have used a mobile device but no one had one, and this was no one in the world, except for a few tech geeks in cities over the seas who carried a brick of a device. There was no inkling yet that one day everyone would carry a phone.
So they drove on, and on, until they reached a new sign.
How much further? And besides has ANYONE found that you or your business even exists?
How long before we get there does it seem when you are going somewhere new? Thirty or 40 percent further? In time, a long time, they saw another sign pointing down a lane. They passed a giant-gated homestead buttressed by water tanks, then they wove around several bends passing modest places too.
Then they saw it! A contemporary building atop a ridge amid a field of lavender
There were even one or two other cars. Had they teleported into Napa? Or was it a post-modern Dordogne? They didn’t care. They went in as quickly as they could to see if it was real.
Inside was a tasting area, shelves stacked with wine bottles to the vaulted ceiling.
They were assured there was time for a tasting. They sniffed, sipped and spat, then selected the grape that would accompany their lunch, which was superb, succulent and fresh, and more so because of the surprise of finding it at all. Gazing across the purple fields to the mountains, they drank their pick of the vines and gave thanks for the place, and the content strategy that pointed the way and gave them faith to reach this place of magic.
This is the difference content makes. Without signs, your desire is not stirred or shaken and you have no belief something truly great is there for you. That’s why if you offer something marvellous that helps people or gives them pleasure, write and share your story so you will be found by the people who truly want you.
Get in touch today about your story.
Marian Edmunds
Copywriter, Writing Mentor & Highly-Experienced Journalist & Editor