Book review: Navigational Tips For Living ‘refreshingly different’ – Sunday Times Style
A book review in Sunday Times Style, one of the post popular sections of one of Great Britain’s leading Sunday papers appeared on December 30, 2012. It described Navigational Tips For Living as a ‘self-help book with a refreshingly different message’.
That was certainly our aim in writing the book as we chose not to have a huge and arduous checklist of self-improvement tasks. The book by Charles Bentley PhD and Marian Edmunds (of The Writing Business) includes drawings by FT cartoonist, Roger Beale. The intention of the book was for readers to first of all know you are all right as you are and to be accepting of yourselves and others. Then it provides techniques for recognising patterns in yourself and others and techniques for improved communications. Not least, as the review mentions, is connecting with the child within. Most important, is for that child, you, to have some fun again! What could that be like? What will you do?
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