Is getting our work seen the greatest challenge of our times?

“The biggest communications challenge is in getting our work seen.” This wasn’t said to me by a young person starting, or someone in a fledgling firm, but by a leader in a successful international group. “If people see the strength and depth of our work then they will understand,” he said.

But how do we communicate the strength and depth of our work? This is the challenge for everyone, educators, writers, scientists, even for the highly successful whom you would expect to be visual and visible.

Talk about your differences.

You can, and probably should use or choose some of Twitter, blog, Facebook, Google +, Tumblr, and send out press releases (that are revealing of you and your work), and email your newest achievements to clients, associates, and friends (who will stick with you always, and recommend you for years to come!) All of this is part of your living portfolio. Some of it will help.

Marian Edmunds