We are all writers now

You're a writer. Face it!

You're a writer. Face it!

We are all writers now, even if we don’t think of ourselves in that way. There is no end to the writing – emails, lists, social media, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, SMS, Tumblr.  We write to prepare costings, to stock content management systems, present business and marketing plans, and every day we write requests and actions in project management and collaboration tools, be they a Moleskine diary or on Basecamp.

How many proposals are you writing these days? In the GFC aftermath era amid the baby boom masses, people are reaching the pinnacles of their skill, creativity and glittering experience to find more time is spent preparing proposals for projects than doing actual work. Proposal preparation, much of it ultimately unpaid, is part of the everyday working lives of people highly trained at many fields other than writing.

We are all writers now, and depending on your level of confidence, this can be painful, boring, or it can be a pleasure. It can however be made a little easier. In the coming weeks we are publishing a little book giving easy tips for business writing. Let us know if you would like to be alerted to its readiness.

What does The Writing Business do in a world where we are all writers?
We almost never write from scratch these days. We mostly work on text already worked on by the client. Most people don’t budget for writing services from beginning to end, if at all. Yes, you can reduce costs by writing yourself. You just need to be sure the writing you are producing delivers the outcome you require.

Some of our best clients handle most of their writing needs perfectly adequately themselves. They book us when, sometimes at short notice, they have a major proposal for new business or content that will be seen by many people. We tweak and rewrite where needed. At that time we are the writers.

What writing do you handle yourself, and what do you need a helping hand with?