Road map to writing a book
We help to plan and create books, working with authors and co-authors to write and edit and proofread. We will help you through the commissioning of art work for the cover and the interior design, arranging ISBN and National Library listings. This includes working through the processes of preparing and uploading the book for both electronic publication and print on demand.
We are currently working with a number of authors to develop and edit their synopses and manuscripts both in fiction and nonfiction. This can include working closely alongside an author page-by-page or acting in more of a consultative role.
The Writing Business can help to develop your synopsis in order to hone your ideas and help you to identify your market. We help to align the story you intend to write with the story you are writing.
One of the biggest challenges of writing a book is working out the structure. There are various ways to go about this. It’s often not a case of starting at the beginning and writing until the end.
It can take a little while to find your voice and it is only found through writing. We can polish your writing and clear away any words that are not needed so that your voice rings loud and truthfully.
The most difficult yet most rewarding work takes place during redrafting.
Tell us about your story to find out how we can help. We normally suggest sending a synopsis or outline of the book. Give us details of your intended market and whether you hope to find a publisher or self-publish. Add to that three chapters then we can suggest next steps.
While our focus is primarily on writing and editing, we are also able to take books through to publication in print and as an ebook.