Taking a journalistic view

With extensive international newspaper experience, The Writing Business is accustomed to tight deadlines
Journalism and reports
The Writing Business has an international background in news and feature journalism. Our work has appeared in leading publications including the Financial Times, The Independent, The Australian Financial Review,The Australian, CEO Agenda and many more. We are specialists in writing about the global travel, tourism and hospitality sectors.
People ask us how are we able to write about so many topics?
That’s because we are specialists in writing about (almost) any topic.
We write clear and engaging content including feature articles, cases studies and posts for magazines, newsletters and blog sites.
Everyone has a story …
We prepare reports that engage readers and explain complex topics in terms anyone can understand. Preparing a report is an opportunity for you to reflect on your work and to engage clients and the wider community in your brand and its ethos. A timely report about your sector, or a finely honed proposal can ensure your potential client knows and understands your brand and business. It always comes back to your story. People connect with authentic stories. Give us a call to find out more.
A report is an opportunity to celebrate your business and to let people know about your achievements and how you can help to bring positive change. We have prepared reports for leading banks, CERT – Centre For Environmentally Responsible Tourism, Travel and Tourism Intelligence, Macquarie Bank.
Marian Edmunds, director of The Writing Business has worked as a reporter and editor, commissioning and producing Financial Times Special Reports (formerly Surveys), and as a freelance writer contributing regularly to the Special Reports section of the Australian Financial Review.