
The Consultant’s DIY-Editing Course.

Are there people you would read every time, even if they wrote the phone book? Good copy, well edited, stands out. And behind every compelling writers is an editor, or the teacher who helped them develop their writing and editing chops. The question I am most asked by consultants and people with a story to tell is, will anyone want to read this sh*t? The answers is yes, after editing. Sign up here to receive launch information. Coming soon!

Publishing consultancy session.

Do you want to write for your business but not found your voice? Writing copy buy with no clear targets? Are you unsure anyone will want to read your sh*t? They will if your copy connects. Let’s set up a session to get you unblocked and on track. Regular sessions available. Book here!


Spotting ideas for stories

Spotting the story. It starts with a white space. At the Yayoi Kusama obliteration space at GOMA 2012 — pic @marianedmunds.  For more on Yayoi Kusama go this site which has a lot about her.

Is a story playing in your head?

Is there a story you want to get out of your head and into a book? Are months and years passing without you writing? Writing a blog or book takes commitment and many chunks of work. How will your story play out? Writing a book is achievable but it takes time which you need to use well.

Non-fiction, the idea incubator

If you are writing non-fiction you may be dealing with big ideas or deep truths. Sharing big ideas and true stories requires a revelation of self.

When you are telling a story, it doesn’t always flow.How would it feel to get into the flow of writing? Would you like to achieve your long-held writing dream? Let’s start planning.

Creative Writing Coaching

The Writing Business - Studio local yet global

The Writing Business Studio local yet global

I have helped authors move to the publication of fiction and non-fiction books, and in the planning and writing of their manuscripts. I have kept writers accountable and shown them it is worth persisting.

Where do you start? Have you got an outline? Do you know where it ends? Or, do you want to start with some articles or short stories? Do you wonder if your idea is good? Will anyone want to read it?

Your suggestions and ideas were terrific and very empowering’ Coaching student

Not everyone in your daily life will understand your desire to tell your story. The people who love you rarely give unbiased feedback.

If you are writing fiction you are thinking about people who don’t exist.But they do exist. You created those characters and you get to decide what life holds for them. Sometimes the characters reveal their own ideas.


A bestseller?

Maybe. That is impossible to predict or plan, though it can happen. It happened to friends of mine.

You have to write the book first.

‘Your suggestions and ideas were terrific and very empowering’ Coaching student


Please note: To work with you on a book proposal I need to receive a synopsis (an outline of the story and the intended readership) and two or three chapters. This way I can assess if your work aligns with your intention. It is advisable to have this ready prior to starting coaching. It should be double-spaced in 12 point Times Roman on a word document. Contact me for fee guidelines.